Professional Development

Your contact partners

Ralf Unruh
Telephone +49 681 92747-184

Do you know your professional development needs?

We will help you to systematically identify the professional development needs within your company.  We will work with you to set knowledge and skill targets for individual employees or departments. Then, we will identify your employees’ current skill levels and will develop a skills matrix to chart skill levels.

By comparing knowledge and skill targets with employees’ skill levels, we can identify individual professional development needs. Based on this, we will develop compressed course combinations that will focus only on required training material while omitting superfluous information. This will give you course content that is precisely tailored to meet your needs, while simultaneously reducing the length of the seminars.

What we do

Thanks in no small part to our cooperative arrangements with select regional training providers and experts, tec4U is your ideal partner for targeted human resource development strategies.